Marianna Grachek MSN, RN, NHA, FACHCA, CDONA, FACDONA ACHCA Retired Emeritus Certified
Healthcare Compliance Analyst


Marianna, has more than 30 years of long term health care experience as a nurse clinician, nursing educator, Director of Nursing, nursing home administrator, LTC and AL surveyor, and Association Management Executive. Marianna worked over thirteen years at the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations including as a long term care surveyor and 7 plus years as the Executive Director of the Long Term Care and Assisted Living Accreditation Programs. For Nine years she served as President and CEO for the American College of Healthcare Administrators (ACHCA)

Marianna is certified as a Director of Nursing by the National Association of Directors of Nursing Long Term Care (NADONA) and is a Fellow of that organization. She is a fellow in the ACHCA and holds their Retired Emeritus Certified distinction for nursing home and Assisted living administration.

Marianna has served on several national committees including on the Advancing Excellence Board of Directors, the Assisted Living Workgroup (ALW) convened at the request of the US Senate Special Committee on Aging, and as an advisory panel reviewer for the Institute for Safe Medication Practices. She has served two years as an AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award Silver Examiner.

Marianna received numerous awards and honors from healthcare organizations, academic programs, and the United States Air Force. She served as a first lieutenant in the United States Air Force Reserve at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Medical Center in Dayton, Ohio.

Marianna received her diploma in Nursing from St. Vincent Medical Center School of Nursing in Toledo, Ohio, her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from the University of Toledo, and her Master of Science degree in Nursing with a focus in gerontological care at the Medical College of Ohio in Toledo. She is a licensed nursing home administrator and a registered nurse in the state of Ohio. Marianna is a member of Sigma Theta Tau, the National Nursing Honor Society.