NJ DOH Issues Updated LTC Directive Allowing for Expanded Activities and Services

The New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) released a new directive to long-term care facilities to accommodate more visitation, group activities and the provision of services for residents after vaccination which align with updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services. During visitation, if both the visitor and the resident are fully vaccinated, residents and their visitors may choose to have close contact including touching and removing their facemasks if they are alone in the resident’s room or the designated visitation room. Fully vaccinated residents may choose to have close contact including touching with their unvaccinated visitor, however they both must wear a well-fitting face mask. The Department has also updated guidance on communal activities and dining for residents that are fully vaccinated. If all residents participating in the group activity or communal dining are fully vaccinated, they may participate without physical distancing and without wearing a mask during the activity.

The Executive Directive can be found at:


The memorandum sent to facilities can be found at:


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