Florida AG Shuts Down Door-to-Door Senior Home-Health Scam

Attorney General Ashley Moody’s office announced the shutdown of a door-to-door scam targeting South Florida seniors. The scammers charged victims thousands of dollars for prepaid home-health services, but then failed to deliver what was promised. Nearly 50 seniors lost approximately $488,000 to this scheme. Attorney General Ashley Moody said, “This so-called home-health service provider preyed on seniors concerned about their ability to live independently—selling services they never provided. Nearly 50 Florida seniors fell victim to this devious scheme before my office was alerted to the door-to-door scam operation and took legal action to shut it down. We will continue to take aggressive action to stop scammers targeting our seniors.” According to the investigation, Christopher Kydes and Senior America Home Care, Inc. solicited seniors door to door—falsely promising to provide prepaid home-health services. In some instances, the defendants sold one-year contracts for thousands of dollars only to return just days later to sell additional contracts to the same victim. Many of the senior victims lived alone, had altered mental statuses or were otherwise vulnerable. On other occasions, the defendants falsely claimed that SAHC worked with the seniors’ current long-term care providers.

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