AZ Governor Bans Vaccine Passports but Allows Healthcare Institutions to Require COVID-19 Vaccination Status Documentation

Governor Doug Ducey issued an Executive Order banning “vaccine passports” and preventing state and local governments from requiring Arizonans to provide their COVID-19 vaccination status to receive service or enter an area. Under the Executive Order, state agencies, counties, cities and towns cannot issue a measure that requires an individual to provide documentation of their COVID-19 vaccination status in order to enter a business, building or area or to receive a government service, permit or license. Businesses contracting with the state to provide services to the public also cannot require documentation. Private businesses are not prohibited from requiring vaccination documentation in order to provide services or allow entry.

Additionally, healthcare institutions may require COVID-19 vaccination status documentation of a patient, resident, employee, or visitor. As permitted under state law, schools, childcare centers and universities may also collect vaccination documentation. The Executive Order ensures that long-term care, healthcare institutions and other entities that collect vaccination documents under current law can still do so.

Executive Order:

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