Wisconsin DHS Offers Direct Payments to Long-Term Care Service Providers and Facilities, Emergency Medical Services, and Clinics Affected by COVID-19 Pandemic

Beginning June 5, DHS will begin accepting applications from specific types of healthcare service providers for funding from $110 million allotted to the state under the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The funds will be used to make payments to offset the losses and expenditures these providers have experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

$100 million will be distributed among the following groups of eligible providers:

    • Home and community-based service providers, including providers for 1-2 bed adult family homes, day services, home health, personal care, pre-vocational and supported employment, respite care, supportive home care, and daily living skills training for children
    • Assisted living facilities, including community-based residential facilities, 3-4 bed adult family homes, and resident care apartment complexes
    • Nursing homes, including skilled nursing facilities and intermediate care facilities
    • Emergency medical services providers

Interested providers can find more information and to link to the application on our CARES Act Provider Payments page. The application period will run from June 5 until June 30, with initial checks mailed to successful applicants. Once the initial payments have been sent out, a second round of payments will be determined so that providers with greater needs may receive additional support from remaining funds.

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