Wisconsin Dentist Indicted for Healthcare Fraud Scheme That Involved Purposefully Damaging Patients’ Teeth

Scott Charmoli (60) of Grafton, Wisconsin, was indicted by a federal grand jury for pursuing a healthcare fraud scheme that involved purposefully damaging patients’ teeth so that he could bill insurance companies for crown procedures. According to the indictment, beginning on or about January 1, 2016, Charmoli engaged in a scheme whereby Charmoli falsely advised patients that they needed crowns, purposefully damaged the patients’ teeth during crown procedures, and subsequently submitted x-rays and photographs of the damaged teeth to insurance companies to obtain insurance coverage for the crowns. The indictment asserts that by submitting x-rays and photographs of teeth he had purposefully altered, Charmoli made materially false and fraudulent statements to insurance companies in connection with the delivery of, and payment for, healthcare benefits. The indictment alleges that Charmoli performed over $2,000,000 worth of crown procedures just between January 1, 2018, and August 7, 2019.

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