Two TX Home Health Agency Owners Charged in Healthcare Fraud and Illegal Kickback Scheme

Two home health agency owners, Tataw Charlz Bisong and Angela Bisong, both 57 and from Stafford, are set to appear in federal court on charges they fraudulently billed more than $10 million to Medicare. A federal grand jury in Houston returned the indictment under seal Dec. 9, which was unsealed today. It alleges the Bisongs co-owned SierCam Healthcare Services LLC. From 2012 through 2020, SierCam allegedly billed Medicare for home health services that were not medically necessary and often not provided as billed to Medicare. The charges allege the Bisongs paid SierCam patients to sign up for medically unnecessary home health services and provided free transportation and covered the copayments and other fees at doctor’s office visits to facilitate their healthcare fraud scheme. Additionally, the Bisongs created phony medical records to make it appear the services met Medicare’s criteria for reimbursement, according to the indictment. Charlz and Angela Bisong are both charged with one count of conspiracy to commit healthcare fraud, six counts of healthcare fraud and one count of conspiracy to pay and receive healthcare kickbacks.


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