Second Owner of Sleep Clinic Pleads Guilty to Submitting over $1.5 Million in Fraudulent Claims

Jeremy Gober, 42, of Hanford, pleaded guilty to healthcare fraud and aggravated identity theft charges for submitting more than $1.5 million in fraudulent claims to Medicare and Medi-Cal for sleep studies. Gober co-owned and co-operated Got Sleep Inc., which operated sleep clinics in Fresno and Orange Counties in California. Sleep clinics perform diagnostic sleep studies to identify disorders like sleep apnea and narcolepsy. According to court documents, between August 2016 and July 2020, Gober caused Got Sleep to submit thousands of claims to Medicare and Medi-Cal for sleep studies that were not actually performed on patients. The claims also stated falsely that the patients had been referred for the sleep studies by physicians with whom Gober had previously worked. This was done because Medicare and Medi-Cal will not pay for a sleep study unless the patient was referred by a physician. In September 2023, Jeremy Gober’s brother, Travis Gober, pleaded guilty to similar healthcare fraud and aggravated identity theft charges related to other sleep clinics in the Central Valley.

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