San Diego Eye Doctors Pay $950,000 to Settle Medicare Billing Fraud Allegations

Mark D. Smith and Fane Robinson, two San Diego-area physicians, have paid the United States $948,768.18 to resolve allegations that they violated the federal False Claims Act by knowingly submitting false claims to Medicare. Dr. Smith and Dr. Robinson are medical doctors specializing in ophthalmology. They maintain a medical practice in San Diego known as San Diego Retina Associates and are participating providers in federally-funded healthcare programs including Medicare. The United States alleged that Drs. Smith and Robinson violated the False Claims Act by submitting false claims to Medicare for care that was provided by a San Diego Retina Associates physician who was not properly credentialed at the time to render care to Medicare patients. The United States also alleged that Drs. Smith and Robinson improperly received Medicare payments when another San Diego Retina Associates physician provided care to Medicare patients but Drs. Smith and Robinson submitted claims that misidentified the treating physician. The settlement concludes a lawsuit originally filed by Atul Jain, M.D., an ophthalmologist and former partner at San Diego Retina Associates. Dr. Jain sued under the qui tam, or whistleblower, provisions of the False Claims Act, which permits a private citizen to initiate a lawsuit on behalf of the United States for false claims and to share in the recovery.

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