Rhode Island Chiropractor to Plead Guilty to Healthcare Fraud, Tax Evasion

A Providence chiropractor has agreed to plead guilty to charges that he allegedly executed a scheme to defraud healthcare benefits programs and that he allegedly failed to pay taxes to the IRS for some of the income he received from his business, according to documents filed in federal court in Providence. It is alleged that Eugene Kramer, 50, sole owner of New England Spine and Disk Center, devised a scheme to defraud insurance companies by billing for days patients did not attend treatment, for treatment not provided, and by falsifying medical notes and documentation to support nonexistent personal injury claims. It is alleged in court documents that from January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2018, Kramer provided invoices for chiropractic treatment to various attorneys, who then, in order to support a patient’s bodily injury claim, provided those invoices to various automobile insurance companies in Rhode Island. At times, Kramer allegedly provided falsified medical notes and documentation. According to court documents, an individual assisting the FBI in the investigation of Kramer’s alleged criminal activity, visited Kramer’s office on 15 occasions for chiropractic treatment, under the pretext of having been involved in an automobile accident. It is alleged that in most instances little or no treatment was provided and few if any medical notes were taken. At no time did Kramer provide the person with a diagnosis or discuss a treatment plan. Nearly all of the patient’s visits were electronically monitored by the FBI. According to court documents, the individual who visited Kramer’s office in an undercover capacity was allegedly emailed a package requesting a monetary settlement in connection with the individual’s supposed injury claim to Progressive Insurance requesting, among other things, reimbursement for chiropractic services.

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