Remarks on the Resolution of Civil and Criminal Investigations into Purdue Pharma and the Sackler Family

The global settlement announced today involves the company pleading guilty to three felony counts for defrauding the United States and violating the Anti-Kickback Statute from 2009 to 2017. In addition to agreeing to plead guilty to these three felony counts, the company has agreed to a $3.544 billion criminal fine and a $2 billion criminal forfeiture amount. Further, to resolve its civil liability, Purdue Pharma has agreed to $2.8 billion in damages to the United States. The company is in bankruptcy, so the corporate resolution is subject to the bankruptcy court’s approval. If approved, this will be a corporate settlement totaling more than $8.3 billion. Additionally, members of the Sackler family have agreed to pay $225 million in a civil settlement that will provide civil releases only. It is important to note that this resolution does not prohibit future criminal or civil penalties against Purdue Pharma’s executives or employees.

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