Philadelphia Woman Sentenced to 20 Months in Prison for Conspiring to Defraud Medicaid

Oksana Kredens, 60, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was sentenced by United States District Judge Kelley Brisbon Hodge to 20 months in prison for her participation in a conspiracy to commit healthcare fraud. In addition to her term of incarceration, Kredens was ordered to serve a three-year period of supervised release, forfeit the sum of $81,000, and pay $66,869 in restitution, a $10,000 fine, and a $100 special assessment. In October 2023, the defendant pleaded guilty to conspiring with various companies allegedly supplying home-based personal assistance services to certain Medicaid recipients in Philadelphia and other counties in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Although Medicaid managed care organizations were billed for personal assistance services, in reality, for some recipients those services were not rendered. Instead, the defendant worked out arrangements with the recipients to pay them cash instead of providing care.

Kredens then recruited people to be employed on paper by the companies allegedly providing the care. The company billed and was paid for services as though the services had been rendered by the fake employees; the recipients received cash instead of the services; and the fake employee recruits, who frequently had cash income sources, were able to earn W-2 income. The defendant collected cash from each recruited worker in the amount of his or her payroll check or deposit, paid the recipients from the collected cash and kept the difference for herself.

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