Pennsylvania Medical Office Bookkeeper Sentenced to Prison for Embezzling from Her Employer

A resident of Blairsville, PA was sentenced in federal court for Mail Fraud and Filing a False Income Tax Return. Sandra Jo Doak, 63, was sentenced to 42 months’ imprisonment at Count 1, and 38 months at Count 2, to be served concurrently, and three years’ supervised release for defrauding her employer in her role as bookkeeper for the medical office of Matthew Klain in Indiana, PA. Doak embezzled company funds totaling approximately $592,833, which she used for personal expenses such as the sporting events and travel. Doak also concealed the embezzled income from the IRS on her personal income tax returns and was ordered to pay $123,849 to the IRS in restitution. In imposing sentence, United States District Judge Bissoon considered the seriousness of the offenses and financial impact upon the medical practice and its employees.

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