NY AG Secures More Than $3M from Healthcare Company for Kickback Scheme

New York Attorney General Letitia James announced a more than $3.3 million settlement with Dr. Klaus Peter Rentrop and his company, Gramercy Cardiac Diagnostic Group (Gramercy Cardiac), for engaging in an illegal kickback scheme in which they paid physicians and practices millions of dollars to induce them to refer patients to Gramercy Cardiac and to Gramercy Cardiac-contracted cardiologists. The recovered funds will be returned to Medicaid, with nearly $2 million going to New York state. As part of a separate agreement with the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York (USAO-SDNY), Dr. Rentrop and Gramercy Cardiac have agreed to pay an additional $3.1 million to the federal government to resolve kickback claims related to the Medicare program.

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