NJ Cardiologist Admits Unlawfully Distributing Thousands of Oxycodone Pills

A New Jersey cardiologist, Raymond Catania, 59, admitted unlawfully prescribing thousands of Oxycodone pills. According to documents filed in this case and statements made in court: Catania was a New Jersey physician specializing in cardiology and practicing in Watchung, New Jersey. From January 2016 through March 2017, Catania issued prescriptions for thousands of Oxycodone pills to one of his patients, and Catania did so without a legitimate medical purpose and outside of the usual course of professional practice. Catania also issued prescriptions for thousands of Oxycodone pills to that patient’s wife even though the wife was not Catania’s patient. Oxycodone — a Schedule II controlled substance — has a high potential for abuse that can lead to severe psychological and physical dependence and can result in fatal overdoses. Catania prescribed more than 8,600 Oxycodone 30 mg pills.


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