Minnesota AG Holds Assisted-Living Facility Accountable for Breaking Promise to Residents

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison announced that his office has held an assisted-living facility accountable for not delivering promised services to its residents. The facility advertised that it provided monthly “Wellness Visits” by licensed nurses — yet despite charging residents $300 per month for that service as part of a larger package, it failed to deliver on its promise. Of the facility’s 21 residents enrolled in its Wellness Package from May through August 2020, 20 of those residents did not receive a visit from a nurse or physician in at least one of those months, outside of any COVID-19 screen that may have been completed by a registered nurse. The facility advertised that its Wellness Visits provided a greater depth of monitoring and services to residents than its COVID-19 Screen. Under the terms of an Assurance of Discontinuance, the assisted-living facility agreed to provide Wellness Visits as advertised, to not further engage in false advertising, and to pay $10,000 in settlement funds to be distributed to residents by the Attorney General’s Office or remitted to the general fund of the State of Minnesota. The facility has resumed providing Wellness Visits.

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