Massachusetts Registered Nurse Pleads Guilty to Drug Diversion

A Dighton registered nurse pleaded guilty today in federal court in Boston to drug tampering. Marietta Strickland, 61, pleaded guilty to one count of tampering with a consumer product, specifically the Schedule II controlled substance oxycodone, which is used for pain relief. While working as a registered nurse at Dighton Care and Rehabilitation Center, Strickland tampered with three blister card packages of oxycodone prescribed to an 89-year-old hospice patient who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease, severe dementia, and breast cancer. To avoid detection, Strickland replaced the stolen oxycodone pills with other prescription drugs disguised to look like oxycodone. As a result of Strickland’s tampering, the victim was deprived of her prescribed oxycodone for a month and ingested at least 77 unnecessary prescription tablets.

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