Marketers and Physicians in 5 States Agree to Pay over $1.5M to Settle Kickback Allegations

Two laboratory marketers, George Carralejo of Yorba Linda, California, and Michael Jeresaty of Daniel Island, South Carolina and their marketing companies, as well as five physicians, Dr. Paul Bierig of Plano, Texas, Dr. Mohd Azfar Malik of St. Louis, Missouri, Dr. Robert Ain of Wichita, Kansas and Drs. Barry Feinberg and Rachel Feinberg also of St. Louis, and certain affiliated entities have agreed to pay a total of $1,501,162 to resolve alleged False Claims Act violations arising from their involvement in laboratory kickback schemes. The parties have agreed to cooperate with the Justice Department’s investigations of other participants in the alleged schemes. The settlements resolve allegations that laboratory marketers and their companies paid or conspired to pay kickbacks to doctors, and that doctors and their companies received kickbacks in return for laboratory referrals. The alleged kickbacks resulted in the submission of false or fraudulent laboratory testing claims to Medicare in violation of the False Claims Act.

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