Man Who Shot Firearm inside West Palm Beach VA Medical Center Committed to 25 Years in Custody

Federal district judge Kenneth A. Marra committed a man who fired gunshots inside a West Palm Beach VA Medical Center to the custody of the US Attorney General for 25 years of mental healthcare and treatment at a suitable medical facility. The commitment is a provisional sentence for sixty-year old defendant Larry Ray Bon, a former West Palm Beach resident. If during Bon’s commitment, it is determined that he no longer needs treatment, Bon will reappear in federal court, where a judge will sentence him to a federal prison term of between 12.5 and 25 years. Lawyers for the US and Bon jointly recommended this provisional sentence arrangement for the defendant. According to court records, Bon brought the firearm and ammunition to the emergency room of the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in West Palm Beach, Florida. When he became frustrated with medical staff, Bon retrieved the firearm from his wheelchair, and fired several shots. He placed VA Medical Center employees in fear for their lives, including two employees who were near Bon. An emergency room doctor attempted to disarm Bon, who fired the gun again, hitting the doctor in the neck. Despite being injured, the doctor was still able to disarm Bon. VA Medical Center staff then subdued Bon. The doctor survived the gunshot wound.

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