Man to Prison for Stealing, Forging and Distributing Fraudulent COVID-19 Vaccination Cards

Jia Liu was sentenced by United States District Judge Diane Gujarati to 21 months in prison for conspiring to steal, forge, and distribute fraudulent COVID-19 Vaccination Cards. On June 9, 2023, co-defendant Steven Rodriguez, a Long Island nurse, was sentenced to 30 months’ imprisonment for his role in the same scheme. Liu and Rodriguez pleaded guilty in April 2023 to conspiracies to defraud and obstruct the United States’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to court filings and facts presented at sentencing, in May 2021, Liu and Rodriguez conspired to steal, forge, sell and distribute COVID-19 Vaccination Cards to hundreds of unvaccinated persons. In addition to the cards, Liu and Rodriguez also offered buyers and co-conspirators false entry into government immunization databases.

Liu and Rodriguez went to great lengths to evade law enforcement and conceal the scheme. Members of the scheme used code words such as “gift cards,” “Pokemon cards,” or “Cardi Bs” to refer to fraudulent COVID-19 Vaccine Cards. Liu also instructed his co-conspirators to communicate by encrypted applications and hide payment records. Liu and Rodriguez also disguised the source of mail items containing COVID-19 Vaccination Cards by omitting or using false sender names on envelopes. As Covid-19 raged and hundreds of thousands of Americans perished, Liu exploited the pandemic to enrich himself, and push his anti-vaccine agenda, messaging a co-conspirator: “f— the vaccine”. In addition, Liu specifically targeted the armed forces and their attempts to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. From approximately August 2021 or earlier, the defendant created and distributed false COVID-19 Vaccination Cards to members of the US Marine Corps Reserve to help them evade its vaccination requirements. Liu boasted to a co-conspirator on an encrypted messaging app: “you have no idea how many documents I have faked in my usmc (United States Marine Corps) career.”

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