Justice Department Settles with Staffing Company to Resolve Immigration-Related Discrimination Claims

The Department of Justice announced that it reached a settlement with Chancery Staffing Solutions LLC (Chancery Staffing), a legal staffing company headquartered in New York, New York, also known as TransPerfect Staffing Solutions (TransPerfect Staffing). The settlement is intended to resolve the Department’s claims that the staffing company violated the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) when, at a law firm client’s directive, it screened out work authorized non-U.S. citizens and U.S. citizens with dual citizenship from a document review project without a lawful basis. Pursuant to the settlement agreement, Chancery Staffing will pay a civil penalty of $27,000 and provide back pay to victims who are identified during the term of the settlement agreement. Additionally, Chancery Staffing will train relevant employees about the requirements of the INA’s anti-discrimination provision, and obtain supporting documentation from clients that request a citizenship status restriction when staffing a project to help ensure that any such restriction is lawful. Under the INA, it is generally unlawful for employers to discriminate in hiring because of citizenship status unless required by a law or government contract. The Department determined that TransPerfect Staffing had no legal basis to discriminate. In light of the settlement, the parties will jointly seek to dismiss the case.

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