Jury Convicts Pair of Fraud and Healthcare Fraud in Ohio

A federal jury convicted Dr. Oliver Jenkins, age 60, and Sherry-Ann Jenkins, age 58, of Jessup, Georgia, of conspiracy, mail fraud, wire fraud, and healthcare fraud on Friday, March 17, in Toledo, Ohio following a two-week trial. According to court documents and evidence presented at trial, Dr. Oliver Jenkins, who was an Ear, Nose, and Throat M.D. at the Toledo Clinic, and his wife, Sherry-Ann Jenkins, who had a Ph.D. but was not licensed to practice medicine in Ohio, started a new business called the “The Toledo Clinic Cognitive Center.” The Jenkinses represented to the Toledo Clinic that patients suspected of cognitive disorders, particularly dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease, could come to the Cognitive Center for neurocognitive testing, diagnosis, treatment, and referrals, and that Sherry-Ann Jenkins would administer the neurocognitive testing under the supervision of Dr. Oliver Jenkins.

The Jenkinses represented that Dr. Oliver Jenkins would make a diagnosis, and provide medical treatment, or a referral. Instead, the Jenkinses engaged in a scheme to defraud. Dr. Oliver Jenkins never saw or treated patients at the Cognitive Center. Sherry-Ann Jenkins ordered PET scans of patients’ brains, interpreted the scans, diagnosed patients, including a college-aged student, with Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, or other impairments, recommended patients take coconut oil to improve memory, and instructed certain patients to see her every 3-6 weeks for the rest of their lives. The Jenkinses billed Cognitive Center patients and healthcare benefits programs using Dr. Oliver Jenkins’ billing number.

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