Jacksonville Radiology Practice Agrees to Pay $1.4 Million to Resolve Healthcare Fraud Allegations

Mori, Bean and Brooks, P.A. (MBB), a radiology practice in the Jacksonville, Florida area, has agreed to pay the United States $1.4 million to resolve allegations that it knowingly submitted false claims to Medicare and Medicaid for radiological images that were ineligible for reimbursement. The settlement resolves allegations that from April 27, 2012, through February 5, 2019, MBB billed healthcare programs for radiological images that were interpreted outside the United States. Medicare requires that for tele-radiology services to be eligible for reimbursement, they must be performed within the United States. The agreement also resolves allegations that the practice group billed for radiology services that were initially performed overseas but were re-interpreted by another radiologist in the US and billed to the second, domestic radiologist as if the latter doctor had performed the original read. While MBB continued to bill Medicare and Medicaid for reads performed outside the country until after the United States informed it of the ongoing investigation, after being informed of the investigation MBB successfully reduced the amount owed to the government through diligent and effective cooperation.

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