An Ames man was sentenced to life in federal prison on each of fifteen counts of sex trafficking by fraud and coercion. According to public court documents and evidence presented at sentencing, Carl Dale Markley, 45, from at least 2001 to April 2023, used fraud and coercion to cause dozens of teenage boys and young men, and a few young women, to engage in sex acts in exchange for money or some other benefit. Markley was a nurse practitioner in Ames and owned several businesses. Over a course of years, Markley used his professions and position in the community to befriend and gain the trust of victims, and then groom and repeatedly sexually abuse them. For a number of victims, Markley placed hidden cameras in locations to record this abuse. Markley exploited the trust his victims placed in him. He lied to victims that sex acts and sexual contact were needed because, among other things, he was conducting research for various research institutions or sexual-health companies, his insurance company required victims to undergo physicals which he could perform, or he was obtaining advanced degrees. None of Markley’s justifications were true.