Generic Pharmaceuticals Manufacturer Pleads Guilty, Agrees to $1.5 Million Criminal Penalty

KVK Research Inc., a generic drug manufacturer in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, pleaded guilty to criminal charges that it introduced adulterated drugs into interstate commerce. A criminal information filed in federal court in Philadelphia charged KVK Research and its corporate affiliate, KVK Tech Inc., with two misdemeanor counts of introducing adulterated drugs into interstate commerce in violation of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA). Pursuant to a plea agreement, KVK Research pleaded guilty to the information and agreed to a proposed fine and forfeiture amount of $1.5 million. KVK Tech agreed to a three-year deferred prosecution agreement (DPA) that will allow the company to avoid conviction on the charges in the information if it complies with the terms of the agreement, which include implementation of a compliance program designed to prevent and detect violations of federal regulations regarding current good manufacturing processes. The DPA also requires KVK Tech to engage an independent compliance monitor to evaluate the company’s corporate compliance program to address and reduce the risk of future violations.

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