Former VA Hospital Nursing Assistant Admits to Murdering 7 Veterans and Assault with Intent to Commit Murder of an 8th

A former nursing assistant pled guilty in federal court to murder and assault charges in the deaths of eight veterans at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) in Clarksburg, West Virginia. Reta Mays, 46, of Harrison County, West Virginia, pled guilty to seven counts of second degree murder in the deaths of veterans Robert Edge, Sr., Robert Kozul, Archie Edgell, George Shaw, W.A.H., Felix McDermott, and Raymond Golden. She pled guilty to one count of assault with Intent to commit murder” involving the death of veteran R.R.P. Mays was employed as a nursing assistant at the VAMC, working the night shift during the same period of time veterans in her care died of hypoglycemia while being treated at the hospital. Nursing assistants at the VAMC are not qualified or authorized to administer any medication to patients, including insulin. Mays admitted to administering insulin to several patients with the intent to cause their deaths.

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