Former Methodist Hospital Employees Plead Guilty to HIPAA Violation

Five former Methodist Hospital Employees and Roderick Harvey, 41, of Memphis, have pleaded guilty to unlawfully disclosing patient information in violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, commonly known as “HIPAA.” According to United States Attorney Kevin G. Ritz and the information presented in court, between November 2017 and December 2020, Harvey paid Kirby Dandridge, 38, Sylvia Taylor, 43, Kara Thompson, 31, Melanie Russell, 41, and Adrianna Taber, 26, to provide him with names and phone numbers of Methodist patients who had been involved in motor vehicle accidents. After obtaining the information, Harvey sold the information to third persons including personal injury attorneys and chiropractors. On April 21, 2023, Harvey appeared before United States District Judge Thomas L. Parker and entered a guilty plea to conspiring with Dandridge, Taylor, Taber, Thompson, and Russell to violate HIPAA. Harvey faces a maximum penalty of five years’ imprisonment, a fine of $250,000 and three years of supervised release. Sentencing for Harvey is set for August 1, 2023.

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