Former Medical Office Bookkeeper Pleads Guilty to Embezzling Nearly $593,000

A resident of Blairsville, Pennsylvania, Sandra Jo Doak, 63, pleaded guilty in federal court to charges of Mail Fraud and Filing False Income Tax Returns. In connection with the guilty plea, the court was advised that Doak, in her role as bookkeeper for the medical office of Matthew Klain, MD, embezzled company funds totaling approximately $592,833.30, and engaged in deceptive acts to conceal the embezzlement from her employer. The embezzlement scheme produced the following stolen funds: $536,887.21 in unauthorized checks written by Doak to herself; $26,519.26 in unauthorized checks written by Doak for personal expenditures; and $29,426.83 in unauthorized checks used to pay for Doak’s personal expenses on the victim’s credit card. The court was also advised that for several years between 2014 and 2019, Doak concealed the embezzled income from the IRS on her personal income tax returns, resulting in a tax loss to the IRS of $123,849.

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