Former Hospital CEO and Nursing Home Medical Director Convicted of Illegally Prescribing and Obtaining More Than 15,000 Pain Pills from Pharmacies in 3 States

Gainesville, Ga. — John Michael “Mike” Gowder and James Heaton have been convicted after a two-week jury trial on 102 counts related to illegally prescribing and obtaining more than 15,000 doses of prescription pain medications outside the usual course of professional practice and for no legitimate medical purpose. From 2011 to 2016 Mike Gowder was the Chief Operating Officer and later Chief Executive Officer of Union General Hospital in Blairsville, and Dr. James Heaton operated a family practice clinic in Blairsville, Georgia, and worked as the Medical Director of the Nursing Home of Union General Hospital. During that time, Dr. Heaton illegally prescribed increasing quantities of hydrocodone and oxycodone to Mike Gowder, knowing that the prescriptions were issued outside the usual course of professional practice and that the pills obtained with the prescriptions had no legitimate medical purpose. Dr. Heaton violated numerous standards of medical practice by prescribing the pills to Mike Gowder without adequately documenting the medical need for the prescriptions in his patient file and without monitoring patient abuse of the pills he obtained. During the three and half years in which Dr. Heaton prescribed more than 15,000 hydrocodone and oxycodone pills to Mike Gowder, Dr. Heaton only six of the prescriptions were recorded in his patient file for Mike Gowder.

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