Former Employee Alleges Sexual Harassment Against Healthcare Company

A former employee has filed a lawsuit alleging severe sexual harassment and retaliatory termination against a healthcare management company. Yoraima Montalvo filed the complaint in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois on September 11, 2024, accusing Pearl Healthcare Management, LLC d/b/a The Pearl of Crystal Lake of violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Montalvo, who worked as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) from April to July 2024, claims she was subjected to persistent sexual harassment by a resident named Luis Rodriguez. According to the complaint, Rodriguez repeatedly attempted to touch her inappropriately during her shifts. When Montalvo resisted these advances, Rodriguez allegedly became violent, throwing feces and urine at her. Despite reporting these incidents to her supervisors and Human Resources multiple times, no effective action was taken to address or prevent the harassment. “I reported these incidents to Sunny, the Assistant Director of Nursing (ADON), in March 2024,” Montalvo stated in her complaint. “She expressed sympathy but took no action to address the situation.”

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