Florida Nurse Pleads Guilty to Tampering with Intensive Care Patients’ Medication

Monique Elizabeth Carter (35, Middleburg) pleaded guilty to tampering with a consumer product, specifically, injectable fentanyl. According to the plea agreement, Carter, a registered nurse who previously was employed by a hospital in Jacksonville, worked in a neural intensive care unit (ICU) providing intensive and specialized care to critically ill patients with life-threatening neurological problems. Certain ICU patients were prescribed intravenous doses of fentanyl, which is synthetic opioid used as a pain medication and as anesthesia.

After Carter’s shift on September 28, 2021, a hospital pharmacist examined the ICU wing’s inventory of fentanyl and found a fentanyl syringe missing a tamper-proof cap, but with some form of foreign adhesive remaining at the tip. A second fentanyl syringe had a cap that appeared to have been glued back onto the syringe. After reviewing hospital records, a pharmacist supervisor noted a pattern of Carter checking out doses of fentanyl for patients, but then cancelling the transactions and checking syringes back into the hospital’s inventory. Records showed that Carter did so 24 times between August 29 and September 28, 2021. Carter was the only nurse on her ICU wing who persistently engaged in such conduct.

The next day, when Carter arrived for work, hospital representatives interviewed her. Confronted with the pharmacists’ findings, Carter eventually admitted that — to obtain drugs for personal use at home — she had been removing injectable fentanyl from syringes, replacing the drug with saline, and then gluing the plastic tampering caps back onto the syringes with an adhesive that she obtained from the hospital. Carter admitted that she had been tampering with fentanyl syringes since the summer of 2021. Carter denied injecting fentanyl while on duty at the hospital, however, law enforcement later located needles, saline syringes, and adhesive in her bag.

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