Employee Sentenced for Stealing $270,000 from Indiana Medical Practice

A Westfield, Indiana man was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison for a years-long scheme to defraud the ophthalmology practice where he worked. Joshua D. Millspaugh, 42, worked as the practice administrator for Whitson Vision, P.C., with responsibility for payroll processing, purchasing and bill payment. He was paid an annual salary of over $100,000. However, less than a year after starting his employment, Millspaugh began using his access to company accounts to divert money to himself. Over the next five years, through over 500 separate transactions, Millspaugh used company money to make personal purchases, pay personal bills, and send extra payroll checks to his bank account—all of which he concealed with false entries in the company’s books and fictitious justifications when asked about the expenditures.

Dr. William Whitson, the owner and director of Whitson Vision, advised the Court during the sentencing that the loss suffered by him and his business went beyond the financial damage. He explained how Millspaugh’s crimes resulted in long term credit and banking problems for his company, how it significantly lowered the business reputation of his company, and how it left devastating morale problems with other company employees.

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