DOL Seeks Court Order to Stop Brooklyn Staffing Agency from Demanding Employees Stay 3 Years or Repay Wages

The US Department of Labor has filed suit asking a federal court to stop a Brooklyn, New York, healthcare staffing provider from allegedly making employees sign contracts that would force them to work for the company for three years or repay rightfully earned wages. Filed today in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York by the department’s Office of the Solicitor, the complaint against Advanced Care Staffing LLC and its CEO, Sam Klein alleges that the contracts led some employees to earn less than the federal minimum wage, a violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The department’s complaint seeks an injunction forbidding ACS and Klein from reducing employees’ wages below federal minimums, whether by demanding employees enter into contracts requiring them to cover ACS’ future profits, attorneys’ fees or costs associated with arbitration, or by enforcing such contracts. In addition, the department is seeking back wages and liquidated damages for affected employees.

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