CMS Updates Web-based Training on the Assessment and Coding of Section GG

Recently, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released an updated web-based training series on the assessment and coding of Section GG on the Minimum Data Sheet (MDS) 3.0. The training is intended for providers in Home Health Agencies, Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities, and Skilled Nursing Facilities. The trainings are designed to be used on demand anywhere you can access a browser.

The training series consists of three courses:

    • Course 1: Understanding Prior Functioning and Prior Device Use
    • Course 2: GG0130. Self-Care Items
    • Course 3: GG0170. Mobility Items

Course 1, Understanding Prior Functioning and Prior Device Use, includes interactive exercises to test the learner’s knowledge related to the assessment guidance and coding of GG100 and GG0110. Course 1 should take approximately 30 minutes to complete and is primarily text- based. There are a few embedded videos within the course that will require audio.

Course 2, GG0130. Self-Care Items, also includes interactive exercises to test the learner’s knowledge related to the assessment guidance and coding of GG010A-GG0130H. Course 2 should take approximately 45 minutes to complete and is also primarily text-based. There are a few embedded videos within the course that will require audio.

Course 3, GG0170. Mobility Items, also includes interactive exercises to test the learner’s knowledge related to the assessment guidance and coding of GG0170A-GG0170SS1. This course should take approximately 60 minutes to complete and is primarily text-based. There are a few embedded videos within the course that will require audio.

Course 1: Understanding Prior Functioning and Prior Device Use can be accessed here.

Course 2: GG0130. Self-Care Items can be accessed here.

Course 3: GG0170. Mobility Items can be accessed here.

Compliance Perspective


Correct coding of the MDS is absolutely crucial to ensure accuracy of quality measures for your facility and accurate billing. Quality Measures (QMs) are available online to your residents, their families, and potential customers, and provide them with information regarding the quality of care being delivered by your staff. These QMs should guide your facility to determine the areas of your quality improvement efforts that need additional attention. Inaccurate coding will lead to inaccurate QMs, which may be seen as fraud in billing practices, and could lead to a deficiency for F641 – Accuracy of Assessments. Facility leadership, including the MDS coordinators, should be trained and knowledgeable on accurate coding and the importance of quality measures, and should have access to the most current version of the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) Manual which is available here.

Discussion Points

    • Review your policies and procedures to determine if revisions are needed to ensure accurate coding of the MDS. Revise your policy as needed when updates are published.
    • Train all appropriate staff on how to code the MDS accurately, how your quality measures are formulated, and document that the training occurred.
    • Periodically audit to ensure that coding is accurately completed by all individuals with responsibility for inputting data for the MDS at your facility. Determine that staff completing any sections of the MDS have the most current version of the users’ manual to guide them, and that they are using it.

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