California Treatment Facility Operator Convicted of $2.9M Kickbacks

A federal jury convicted a California man for paying illegal kickbacks for patient referrals to his addiction treatment facilities located in Orange County, California. According to court documents and evidence presented at trial, Casey Mahoney, 48, of Los Angeles, paid nearly $2.9 million in illegal kickbacks to so-called “body brokers” who referred patients to Mahoney’s addiction treatment facilities, Healing Path Detox LLC and Get Real Recovery Inc. Those body brokers in turn paid thousands of dollars in cash to patients, which some patients used to purchase drugs, in order to induce those patients to attend treatment at Mahoney’s facilities. Mahoney concealed the illegal kickbacks by entering into sham contracts with the body brokers which purportedly required fixed payments and prohibited payments based off of the volume or value of the patient referrals. In reality, Mahoney and the brokers negotiated payments based on the patients’ insurance reimbursements and the number of days Mahoney was able to bill for treatment. Mahoney also laundered the proceeds of the conspiracy through payments to the mother of one of the body brokers, which Mahoney falsely characterized as consulting fees.

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