Arizona Urgent Care Provider Convicted of Healthcare Fraud and Ordered to Pay $12.5 Million

UCXtra Umbrella, LLC, was sentenced to pay $12,500,000 in restitution. UCXtra Umbrella, LLC, which did business in Arizona under the name “Urgent Care Extra,” owned and operated a network of more than 30 urgent care centers, primarily in the Phoenix and Tucson areas.  From 2012 through 2016, more than one million patient visits occurred at UCXtra clinics in Arizona. As part of its guilty plea, UCXtra admitted that it intentionally created patient care practices and billing procedures that caused its providers and staff to overstate the complexity of the medical services provided to patients and claim falsely inflated reimbursement rates from health insurance companies.  UCXtra also admitted that it encouraged providers and staff to order tests and procedures that may not have been medically necessary to justify higher billing codes and obtain higher reimbursement rates.  The estimated loss to health insurance companies caused by UCXtra’s healthcare fraud scheme is $12,500,000.

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