Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Division of Consumer Affairs announced that the State Board of Medical Examiners (“Board”) permanently revoked the medical license of a Monmouth County physician convicted in a $1.9 million healthcare fraud scheme, who is also facing unrelated allegations of engaging in criminal sexual contact against a patient. Fazal Panezai, a cardiologist who owned and operated Matawan-Aberdeen Heart & Medical Center in Matawan, is facing up to 10 years in federal prison after admitting to carrying out a years-long scheme to defraud insurance providers through the submission of fraudulent claims for service. Panezai agreed to the permanent revocation of his license to resolve allegations he engaged in dishonesty and fraud, professional misconduct, and other violations of Board rules for medical professionals. In a matter unrelated to his federal conviction, Panezai is charged by the New Jersey Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor (“OIFP”) with fourth-degree criminal sexual contact against a female patient.